Did You Know That Almost All of Your Pain Comes from Unloving Beliefs You Have Within You?


Every unloving emotion is a kind of pain. Hatred, fear, jealousy, shame, guilt, greed, anger, boredom, loneliness, and hurt are all different kinds of pain. And every unloving emotion you have ever experienced has been caused by an unloving belief you have within you, a belief that is not Loving. Unloving beliefs trigger unloving emotions, which create pain.

To see how this works, think of something that made you feel upset in the last few days, some experience that made you feel frustrated, angry, or annoyed. As soon as you have the experience in your mind, relive it for five seconds. Then stop and feel where the pain of the experience shows up in your body.

Where did the pain show up for you? Your gut? Your heart? Your throat? Your head? Somewhere else? Isn’t that amazing?! That pain you just experienced was caused by an unloving belief about that experience. And as soon as you let yourself think about and feel the experience, your unloving belief about the experience triggered an emotional response and you felt the pain of it in your body.

Now let’s try another one. Think of some other experience that made you feel frustrated, angry, or annoyed, something that is in no way related to the experience you just now relived. As soon as you have it, relive it for five seconds and see where that pain shows up.

Where did the pain show up this time? Was it in the same place? Was it in a different place?

From my experience, in a room of a hundred people, about eighty will feel the second pain in a different place while the other twenty will feel it in the same place.

What this experiment shows is that throughout your life you have accumulated and stored hundreds of unloving beliefs about many different things in your body. Every time you think of something that triggers an unloving belief or whenever you are in the presence of the subject of an unloving belief, it triggers the pain of the unloving emotion created from that belief. We experience these painful feelings many, many times a day, day after day, and they cause chronic pain, accidents, calamities, disease, emotional and mental disorders, and eventually death. That’s a lot of pain! Our bodies can only handle so much pain before they break down, grow old and die.

Fortunately, we have the antidote to pain already inside us. All we need to do is to learn to tap into it. Some of us are not able to feel it, but all of us have it in us.

We have Love!

Love is a contradiction to all unloving energies and concepts, and it is a power within us. If you grow stronger in Love, more and more every day, then you will be able to gain the strength you need to change the painful habits created from unloving beliefs. The presence of more and more Love in your life, because it is a contradiction to Love, will make it easy for you to see and find the unloving beliefs you have within you. You can learn how to grow bigger in Love every day here.

The challenge to healing an unloving belief is that every unloving belief has a corresponding habit that goes with it and in order to heal them, you must understand how and then, actually do the work that it takes to do it. Besides growing in Love, there are a number of things you will need to learn about in order to heal your unloving beliefs and their corresponding habits.

First of all, you will need to develop a list of unloving beliefs for you to work on. One way you can start your list is for the next few weeks, every time you find yourself feeling an unloving emotion, take a few moments to feel into it and ask yourself “What belief is causing me to feel this pain?” When the answer comes to you, write it down. Once you have a list of five to ten unloving beliefs, you will be ready for the next step.

You will need to learn about how your mind works so you can use the knowledge to your advantage. Did you know your mind and four bodies, you physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, all work together to show you how your beliefs work for you? In my next blog titled The Mind — A New Explanation of How the Mind Works, I will show you how your mind does the work of proving to you that your beliefs are true, to show you how your beliefs are working for you. The thing is, there is no unloving belief that is true, but until you get big enough in Love to see and feel that they are not true, you can live your whole life believing that they are. You can read about Dot’s story as an example of this occurrence here:


Once you start growing big in Love, you have developed your list of beliefs, you have learned how to use your mind to aid you in healing your pain, then you will need to do the work of healing your unloving beliefs. For that there is a process you can learn to heal your pain. The process is called the Love Healing Process and it is simple.

1. Grow in Love more everyday so you become bigger than your pain.

2. Understand that the unloving beliefs are not true.

3. Heal the trauma that caused the belief.

4. Release the pain that you could not release because you thought the unloving beliefs were true.

5. Change the habits caused by the unloving beliefs by developing Loving habits.

It will take you some time to understand each step so meanwhile, stay tuned for more blogs to show you how to heal your pain. Until then, you can use Love Time to grow bigger in Love daily as you start to become more aware of the unloving beliefs you have within you. If you can learn to make the Love Healing Process a part of your daily life, learn to heal your unloving beliefs and the corresponding habits they create, you will be on your way to creating an extraordinary life. Once you heal an unloving belief and habit completely, you will never have to experience that pain again. Every belief and habit you heal leaves you with wonderful gifts like in Dot’s story where she learned how to stand up for herself. You will be stronger, wiser and bigger in Love than you have ever been. Your life will just keep getting better and better.
