I Love You So Deeply


Goddess God is Love.

He is Love created,

She is Love creating

All that is,

The source.

I sat to meet with Goddess God.

I silenced my mind and opened my heart.

In a moment of time

I felt the eminence pour down upon me

All around me and from within me.

The forms unlimited

dwarfed me in this sea of life.

I felt as if I were smaller than an atom

being hugged from all around.

The Love

So much Love!

I could not believe how much was coming from inside!

I opened myself to take into my being all that I could.

I was filled to the brim in a heartbeat

Feeling myself radiant

with strength, with power,

with passion.

The beauty

beaming from the essence of my soul.

As I sat there in the aftermath of the meeting

I began to move my mind to those who are close to me.

Feeling the power and the Love

I yearned to share,

To serve,

To give of myself completely.

To Mother God, to Father,

I moved my opulent heart,

To my Love,

To my children,

To you.
