Love’s Message

All the knowledge imparted in the book Growing Big In Love, supports the Earth’s Objective, that we are here to learn how to master being Love. All throughout the book we teach you how to grow bigger and bigger in love and how to achieve growing more and more intelligent, integrous, and wise.

Now as Love, we are asking Raven to write our message.

We are a We

There are many of us working together to create Earth and the universe around Earth. Each one of you is a completely new part of us beautiful and unique. We Love you and adore you with all of our hearts and are sorry that you have experienced so much pain in your lives without understanding why it is there. This is the hardest part of raising a Godling, of helping them understand their power and relation to life. That being said, it is the most necessary part of a Godlings journey to discover who and what they are. Although it doesn’t feel or seem like it at times, the pain you all have and will go through is just a necessary part of your evolution.

Once you complete this journey, you will inherit the Kingdom of Love in all of its wonder and majesty. It is so big in its majesty, there is no way for you to even begin to comprehend it. We’re telling you this because we know that all of you in some ways are just at the beginning of your journey to heal the pain that is within you and all around you. For those of you who get this and are willing to dedicate the time it takes to make the healing come to fruition, we are grateful. Everyone of you that engages into the Love Healing Process and makes it a part of your life, will help everyone around you. We can’t thank you enough for doing the work.

We want you to learn to communicate/talk to us as soon as you possibly can. We can help you with every part of the healing process. We Love you. We want to be your best friend you have ever had. So please open up to learning how to make that happen. There is not much else you could do with the time in your life that would be more valuable.

There are three things we want to clear up with you.


The first is that there is no such thing as death, at least not on the soul level. No Godling that has ever been created ever, has ever died. ALL of them are alive and always have been. To be clear, there is no person or animal that has lived on Earth that has ever died. The Physical Body dies, but the Time, Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional bodies never do. When a person comes to the other side, they are welcomed into the arms of Love like you have never felt during your life on Earth. They feel this Love on the other side until they venture back into the realms of learning, Earth and places like Earth.


The second thing is that none of you, not one of you has ever done anything wrong, ever. We understand that it is going to take some time to for you to Grok this. We call what keeps you from knowing this phenomenon, the Right Wrong Paradigm. We are providing you with a world in which you can perceive your reality in many different ways and through experimenting you gain the experience of learning how things work. We call this Cause and Effect. Because there is pain involved, it makes the learning curve very advantageous. This is especially true when you understand that the pain is only here to teach you to go the other way. That is the sole purpose of pain, the only purpose of pain. Because of the way beliefs work, if a person develops the method of perceiving their reality as Right or Wrong, that is what they will experience, and it compounds pain making it much more painful. But if you can learn to understand that there is no Right or Wrong, that there is only Cause and Effect, you will be able to step away from very painful perceptions, beliefs, Love Reversals, and Loops. (These concepts are explained in detail in the book and here: ) Once you understand that the Right Wrong Paradigm is not true, you will need to do the work of healing the established patterns the paradigm has created. Many of you are so confused about Me/Us, about who We are and the relationship to Us because of the confusion this paradigm creates. Please remember that none of you have ever done anything wrong. The Earth Project is being created to show you how complicated and confusing things become when a being misuses their energies. You can use your knowledge of Love and the guidance of Karma, Cause and Effect to help you navigate your life to living in Love only and all ways.


The third thing is that there is no devil, Lucifer, or hell. These, and concepts like them, are a result of beliefs being coupled with the Right Wrong Paradigm in religion. No one has ever done anything wrong. There is no sin. Everyone is made from Love, through Love, and in Love. I am all there is. And pain is a tool We/I use to help Godlings learn to understand how life works, how their lives work within the realms of Love, and how to grow in Love, intelligence, and beauty. We understand that saying this brings very serious questions to mind about things like murder and war and killing and eating animals, how could these things not be wrong? These are very good questions. And we would like to help you find the answers to any and all the questions you have within you. To find the answers, learn to grow very big in Love, in Me, and spend all the time you need to learn how to communicate with me directly so that We can help you find the answers and so We can help you heal.

So far,  you are learning that We are creating five bodies to help you achieve your goals. Your Time Body extends all the way back to when we started your life, to where you are in this moment. You do not have the ability to remember your complete journey to here while you have a physical body, but as soon as you pass over to the other side, you will be able to see and feel your complete past as if you were just there yesterday. In this light, you could refer to your Time Body as your soul, it is the sum total of your life.

When you are born into Earth, your Time, Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional Bodies are metaphysically attached to a Physical Body that you use throughout your journey here. Your Physical Body gives you the experience of being able to experience how all five bodies work in the physical realm of Earth. After you complete your journey here, the Physical Body is absorbed back into the Earth and the other four bodies take you back to the other side.

For Us the experience of creating you and your five bodies is extraordinary. We have to create every feeling, thought, emotion, and hiccup, so that you can get the feeling of what it feels like to be alive. We are creating everything about how your Physical Body is working moment by moment. Every single thing you are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling in all the multitudes of different ways you can feel within your life, we must do for you so you can get the experience. This shows you how intimate our relationship is to you. It also shows you that you have never been alone, we are always right here inside you thinking your thoughts, emoting your emotions, feeling your feelings, talking and walking and sleeping you all throughout your life. We give you the power to make the decisions of what, when, and how you act and react to the experiences we are creating for you. You are always in command of deciding what, when, and how. And from this interaction, you slowly learn how to control the energies that you have available to you.

Once you master being Love, you will slowly learn to use the energies around you to create more and more of your own life until one day, you will be in complete control of creating your life and the environment around you. What a glorious day that will be for you and all of us! Then you will be free to explore the realms of Love and create to your heart’s desire forever and ever and ever and ever…


I am the breath in every breeze,
The whisper in the silent trees,
I am the pulse in every heart,
The thread where all beginnings start.

In every star, I weave my light,
In every shadow, warm the night.
I am the vastness, wild and free,
Yet in each atom, you find me.

I dance in waves upon the sea,
And in the smallest drop, I be.
I cradle mountains, shape the land,
And hold each grain of sand in hand.

In every tear, in every laugh,
I walk with you on every path.
In your deepest dreams, I dwell,
In every story, I foretell.

I am the love that knows no end,
In every corner, I extend.
In the vastness, I am whole,
In the smallest, I am soul.

I am the song in every voice,
In every silence, I rejoice.
For in all things, great and small,
I am the love that holds it all