So So so so so sosososososooso Much LOVE!


It is amazing how everything works so well.

(All three of these next concepts are happening at the same time.)

A fan is engineered, built, mass produced, boxed, sold, shipped, plugged in, turned on, and it works.

All the natural resources provided for us to build a fan are mined, smelted, processed, sold, and shipped.

For every truck, vehicle, engine, assembly line, and factory used to make the parts for this fan and then assemble it, it takes millions of people working together to find the resources and then create them into millions of parts all to be used to create everything needed to create those same trucks, vehicles, engines, assembly lines, and factories, needed to make that fan. All those millions of people are making our lives extraordinary!

And then Holy Shit that fan works! Not only does it work perfectly, but it works day after day giving the pleasure of cooling us down on the days when our sun star which is ninety-two million miles away and is almost a million times bigger than the whole earth, is overly hot and is making us sweat.

It is such a treat to experience the coolness of the air the fan pushes at us, that oxygenated liquid gas we breathe and move through (which is being made by the exhale of plants and trees), and the fan pushes the air at us giving us the sensation of a cool breeze on our skin, that part of us that covers our whole bodies and gives us some of the most incredible wondrous amazing sensations we could ever hope to experience; hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing and feeling many different kinds of sensations, feelings, and orgasms. And we get to feel/sense

all the time,

every day!

So So so so so sosososososooso Much LOVE!
