Sacredicity of a Cherry



I made up the word Sacredicity.

It means ALL THINGS are sacred

with the understanding that Goddess God is creating EVERYTHING,

moment by moment.

Sacredicity of a Cherry

The thought of the cherry tree had to be conjured.

The atmosphere and earth had to be created in perfect balance of solidity, warmth, moisture content, and sunlight, all LOVE!

Then a tree had to be planted from a seed and the seed had to be watered, energized, fertilized, grown, until a tiny Limb poked its leaves out into the air and sunlight and moonlight, striving, stretching, driven to the light and to breathe!

Suckling water from the Earth up its trunk, trickling it up into its foliage, making steam in the leaves on hot days, and blessing the air with oxygen.

Limb grows day by day and night by night for three or four years and every spring it blossoms sweet smelling flowers and shoots its pollen aggressively wildly,

Limb shaking from the orgasm of it!

And then one miraculous day, a cherry starts to grow, first a little green ball of potential, then a pale white ball of promise, and then a succulent sweet tart zesty deep red cherry.

You pick it off the tree and pop it into your mouth and bite down on a mouthwatering squirting cherry flavored taste of ecstatic explosion!

And then it’s gone!

YOU have been nourished!

All that Loving energy so you can have ten seconds of WOW!

What a Miracle!
