The Mind — A New Explanation of How Your Mind Works


Each one of us has a physical body, a mental body, an emotional body, a spiritual body, and an extraordinary mind. Each of the four bodies has its own characteristics and properties and for now, it is important for you to know that they all work together being parts of the mind to give us the experience of life.

If you ask yourself, “What part of my mind is choosing what to think or fantasize about, what to need or want, what to do or not do, you would be right if you answered, “It is I who am making the decisions.” You are the one who decides what, when and how to move, proceed, think, fantasize, and figure something out, or not.

You are the sum product of your memories; of the experiences that your actions and reactions have created. You are also the sum product of the way you were raised. In some ways you learned to think and believe in imitation of those around you, the adults, siblings, and friends you spent a lot of time with. While in other ways you came up with your own ideas and thoughts on how to act and react. And now you are the pointer of your mind. Whatever you decide to focus on, the other parts of your mind and bodies, provide information, produce feelings, and/or move your physical body according to your intentions and direction.

According to the Tantric teachings and what I have learned from my guides, your mind has two parts: a Conscious mind and an Inner Conscious mind. These parts give you information and create your emotions about what you decide to focus on, in every given moment. I have coined the idea of the Inner Conscious mind because it is much different from the ideas of Unconscious or Subconscious mind.

Your Conscious mind comprises your five senses. Your Conscious mind gives you sensory information relevant to whatever you consciously focus on: how it looks, sounds, tastes, smells, or feels, singly or in combination. You also have a sixth sense, which is usually called intuition. Some people are adept at using their intuition and some are not. The bigger a person grows in Love, the stronger their intuition becomes, and the easier it is to use.

The second part of your mind is your Inner Conscious. The function of the Inner Conscious is to feed you information from your memory or intuition, about the object of your focus, based on your beliefs and knowledge. It also produces your feelings or emotions, which are also based on those same beliefs and knowledge.

Here is an example:

Let’s pretend that you have lit a candle, vanilla scented, and it sits before you.

If you focus your attention on the candle flame, your Conscious mind will give you information like: you can see the light the flame gives off, the closer you get to the flame you can feel how warm it is, unless you touch it, and then it feels extremely hot to the point of burning you; you can hear the flame whipping around when a breeze blows it; and you can smell the candle’s scent because of the flame. Your Inner Conscious will give you information that you believe or know to be true, the most pertinent first, such as: the candle is lit, it is fire, the fire is hot, it gives off light, it is very pretty, there’s a breeze that is making the fire dance, the heat is making the candle give off a pleasant scent, and so on.

Along with this feed of information from your Conscious and Inner Conscious, your Inner Conscious creates the emotions that go with the information, based on your beliefs about it, such as;

  • Fear of injury, if you get too close to the flame

  • Love and warmth and wonder, from seeing the beauty of the flame

  • Wonder, at the whipping sounds made by the breeze and maybe fear that it might go out

  • An uplifting feeling, from the wonderful scent unless you do not like the scent of vanilla and then a stinky smelly feeling

Your Conscious and Inner Conscious perform this way for you throughout your waking hours, every moment of every day.

As soon as you change your point of focus, your Conscious and Inner Conscious both shift to supplying information about whatever you’re now focusing on, and produce the emotions that go with the beliefs about the information. You can focus on anything around you, within you, in your past, present or future, any idea, concept, emotion, or feeling. In this way, you move through life learning to make sense of your reality, or your thoughts or fantasies, through what is commonly known as thinking. Most of your thinking is analyzing your reality, your feelings, your past, present, and future, your fantasies; asking yourself question after question about where you are, what you should do, how you should act and when, to what extent, and so on.

What is truly fascinating is that your mind is channeling an incredible amount of energy through your thoughts, moment by moment, from your spiritual body. If whatever you are focusing on or thinking about involves movement of your physical body, your body uses the energy from your spiritual body to perform the movements needed effortlessly (usually), with little direction needed. If you are experiencing emotions, the energy is making your feelings alive with Love or pain, and you get to perceive your experience and decide whether it is Love or pain. If you are analyzing your past, present, or future, the energy is available to help you search your memories and/or intuition to discover what you are looking for. If you are fantasizing, the energy is there to help you search your memories in order to create imaginative, wondrous, fantastical ideas.

Like your heart muscle forever beating in your physical body, the energy from your spiritual body is always there to help you discover the answers to all your questions and inquiries. And if you learn to meditate, if you learn how to stop your thinking process, the energy that you use for thinking starts to build up. It makes your spiritual body grow bigger, and the extra energy becomes available to empower the thoughts and intentions that you set for yourself. If you’re smiling with your heart wide open when you’re meditating, you will be filled with so much Love.

This understanding of how the mind works gives you advantages when learning to heal unloving beliefs, Love Reversals, and habits. Knowing that your emotions are produced by what you believe gives you choices about what you can do to make your life better in any given moment. Simply, if you choose to focus on Love, your Inner Conscious will give you Loving feelings. If your heart is open when you focus on Love, you will definitely feel Loving feelings and emotions. If your heart is closed when you are focused on Love, even if you cannot feel the Love, your Loving thoughts will empower you to act in Loving ways. (Yes, you can choose to act in Love even if you are not feeling love because your heart is closed.) Then, in time, your heart may open to feel the Love. Focusing on Love, whether your heart is open or closed, is always a win-win. And one of the most powerful ways to do that is to learn how to Lovingly Smile any time you can and grow your Smile strong through using Love Time.
