Communicating with Goddess God


In the intro to my book, Growing Big In Love, I told you about how I learned how to talk to my Guides when I was thirty-two. My Guides are my very intimate connection to the Divine. From my understanding, when I am talking with my guides, I am talking with Goddess God, and/or parts of Goddess God. I will refer to them here as my Guides. It is to them I attribute the success I have had in learning to heal myself through Love, and to help others heal themselves. It is the most intimate relationship you could imagine. We talk the same way I talk with you or anyone in my mind. They have loved me and guided me all of my life, but I just became aware of them communicating with me when I was thirty-two. They know me better than I know myself. We have so much fun together all the time. They have helped me learn to open to my pain so that I could learn from all my experiences. I have never been alone! It is why I say “we recommend” instead of “I recommend” throughout my book and they have helped me become aware of the wonder that is all around and within me.

What is really amazing is that there are over seven billion people on the planet at this time and each one of them has their own unique relationship with Goddess God or whatever they believe. I have found that for most people if they have the intention to learn how to communicate with their own personal connection with Goddess God, all they have to do is learn how.

If you had an intimate relationship with Goddess God, what kind of questions would you ask her/him? I will tell you I have been asking my Guides question after question since the day I started communicating with them and the relationship has filled my life with wonder and comfort, with awe and comedy, with amazing sex and intimacy. It has not always been easy. In fact, for the first few years, it was more frustrating then you could know, but that was because I did not understand the guidelines for communicating. There are some very basic guidelines that when followed, will help you gain wondrous results so let’s start by explaining what good communication looks like.

First of all, we put this chapter in the Growing Big In Love book after the Love Tools because the first thing you want to do when you want to communicate with your Guides is to make sure you are in a loving state and that your heart is wide open. You can start growing big in Love by reading and using Love Time and Loving Meditation. It so important to communicate through Love because this will help ensure that you will receive true information. Remember that all of your thoughts are coming through your knowledge and beliefs and if your heart is open, you will be able to perceive the truth about whatever you are focusing on.

Second, if you have the power to Lovingly meditate (stop your thoughts completely with your heart and eyes wide open) or you have the power to Glide (the same as Loving Meditation plus being able to hold your thoughts silent for two to three minutes at a time), you will have the willpower and mind power to keep your mind silent after you ask questions which makes it easier to listen for the answers and to discern your voice from their voice.

Also, it is important to understand that your mind and four bodies’ (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies) main purpose is to prove to you that your beliefs are true, even if they are not. Therefore, if you are trying to communicate with your Guides with your heart closed, they will usually answer according to your unloving beliefs, which will generally misguide you. If your heart is open when you are communicating, this will ensure that you will be able to perceive the truth, even when talking about things that are not Loving.

So the first thing to be aware of when communicating with your Guides, and I will use the word Guides to refer to Goddess God or whatever you believe in from this point forward, is that your heart should be about open and you should be smiling big.

Please hear this next suggestion loudly, never take any answers you receive literally. Communicating with your Guides is a way to access great information so that you can make informed decisions about what you could do or might not want to do. This next statement may or may not resonate with you. If it doesn’t, please disregard because you may have different beliefs about this concept. Your Guides are going to great amount of effort to create your body and the life that is all around you all the time so that you can live your life the way you want to. They have no desire to tell you what to do with your life. They are overjoyed to help you figure out what you want to do with your life.

When you ask questions about other people, the asking should be done with integrity, while honoring their space and privacy. In general, we humans have lots of unloving beliefs and Love Reversals about how we think about other people. If your heart is wide open and you are smiling when asking questions about other people, your answers will be truer and more meaningful.

If you keep these suggestions in mind while communicating with your Guides, you will be able to create a very Loving, intimate relationship with them.

Your Guides are very excited to meet you if you do not already have a relationship with her/him/them. Following is a form of acknowledgment that you might want to engage into if you are just starting and also for those of you who already have an existing relationship. Your Guides would like to bestow upon you a sensation somewhere on or in your body that translates as “I love you.” And if you like this sensation, your Guides will continue to use this same sensation throughout your life as a way to say, “I love you” in any given moment.

Generally, the sensations people feel as communication from their Guides are unique to each person. But to give you an idea of the kind of thing you might experience, here is a short list: a tickling on the face, forehead, chest, breast, side, or somewhere else on the surface of or inside the body; a feeling of warmth in the heart, hands or other areas. You might hear a soothing sound, or notice a change in the quality of light or color, or feel a presence in or around your body, a sense of knowing, or feel a specific loving feeling, or simply hear your Guides whisper or say “I love you”.

Sometimes people are not able to detect a sensation on the first try. There are generally four reasons for this.

  1. Some people can’t believe that this is really possible. The remedy: Believe it! This is so real!

  2. Some people become aware of so many sensations in their body that they cannot decipher which one is the true sensation. The remedy: Ask your Guides to please make the sensation stronger so you can know for sure!

  3. If even after asking sincerely to receive a sensation, and after trying the remedy for 1 and 2, you still do not feel anything, it may be that you are not yet ready to have this intimate relationship with your Guides. (This could be coming from fear, trust issues or unresolved trauma about God/All That Is/Guides, etc. …) The cure is to take some time to introspect and discover what might be holding you back from receiving Love from your Guides.

  4. In teaching classes about this over the years, I have had three people who did not receive a sensation after trying all three of the remedies listed above, and I was told that they had Karma that kept them from receiving a sensation. I knew two of them as friends and saw that even though they could not communicate directly with their Guides, they had many experiences and dreams that were obvious messages from their Guides. If this happens to you there are a couple of things you might want to be aware of.

One of the reasons we have over seven billion people on this planet is that Goddess God is gaining the experience of every lineage being healed through this incredible Earth project. Every healed lineage brings forth gifts that are priceless and can only be gained by said path. Some of the issues will be about people not being able to personally connect with Goddess God in their minds and yet, they will still be able to possibly feel their connection and/or they will be able to access the Love that is within them in order to learn how to master living in Love, integrity, and wisdom. Even without the ability to communicate with your Guides, you will be able to access Love and develop your will power to make Loving decisions. If this happens to be your path, your Guides want you to know they are grateful for your choice/you being on this path. Instead of communication, you will learn to feel deeply. This path will help you develop your intuition to a very high degree. The stronger you grow in Love, the more aware you will become. I have a friend who has grown into this path and his logic, intellect, and awareness are off the chart.

To Start Communicating With Your Guides: Once you are ready, relax, silence your mind, smile, open your heart, and when you are ready, sincerely ask your Guides to give you a sensation telling you that she/he/they love you, and enjoy!

How did you do? What was your sensation? For those of you who received a sensation right off, isn’t that amazing? I remember when I received my sensation, it touched me deeply that my Guides were that present and that close to me. The next thing you might want to do is ask your Guide or Guides her/his/their names.

When I first started out, I only had one Guide. And as I learned how the metaphysics of life worked, I came to meet more of my Guides. I now have seven I converse with, some of them on a daily basis and some occasionally. Each one has their own name, characteristics, reasons for being in my life and a wondrous history. I am so grateful for their connection, attention, and Love they give to me all the time. They are all friends and mates I have had for a long time and I now know that I have had a connection with all of them for many lifetimes.

All of our Guides are so present. They know everything about creation, your life, everything you have gone through and are presently going through. And if your beliefs coincide with this statement, they are creating you and everything around you, all the time.

Once my Guides gave me my “I love you“ sensation, for the first few years after that rarely a day went by that they didn’t tell me they Love me. And these last few years, all of them tell me they Love me in many different ways. It is so fun!

I learned to talk to my Guides through the use of a pendulum and a set of Tarot cards. I’ll explain how I used these tools to communicate with them shortly. Using these tools, I asked questions about everything. I used the pendulum and the Tarot so much that eventually, I developed an ability to hear the answers in my mind. Now I do not need a pendulum or Tarot cards. I converse with my Guides and many other people’s Guides as easily as I am writing these words.

By using the pendulum and the Tarot, I learned to distinguish/feel/hear my Guide’s voice or voices, from my own inner voice, and my Guide’s conversation from my own thoughts. Of course, my Guides are creating both voices, but learning to discern the difference was a process I needed to go through. What I mean by this is that I do not know how I talk. I talk all the time whenever I want to but I do not know how I do it. From my understanding my guides are literally talking for me. And so I had to learn to discern my voice from their voice. I am also acknowledging here that I do not know how to create my own thoughts and that my Guides are doing this for me too. You may need to go through a similar process of using tools to develop communication with your Guides. I have had some students who have been able to start communicating simply by understanding their relationship with their Guides.

Communicating By Pendulum

I liked using the pendulum because of the personal touch. You can get answers quickly and it’s fun and easy to use.

You can create a pendulum by hanging an object at the end of a piece of string, ribbon, or small chain. This can be a beautiful rock, a crystal, a bolt, fingernail clippers, or anything that has enough weight to keep the string taut when you hold it out in front of you.

To use a pendulum, hold the string between your thumb and forefinger, or looped over your forefinger and let the object swing easily in front of you, about eight inches below your hand. It does not matter which way you swing the pendulum, but it is important that you make the object swing back and forth. When you ask your Guide/s a question, s/he will answer by making the pendulum swing clockwise for “yes” and counterclockwise for “no”. Occasionally, the pendulum will not swing in either direction, which indicates that you might want to try a different question and/or ask the question using Tarot cards or some other tool. Occasionally, the pendulum will stop. There could be a number of reasons for this and you will have to figure out what they are for yourself. It could be as simple as check to see if your heart is open. And whatever the reason, it certainly makes you want to ask more questions.

Be patient with yourself and your Guides. It is possible that you will get wrong answers at times, even if your heart is open. Through all the years I have been communicating with my Guides, I have found that the main reason they give strange answers is so I won’t become dependent on them, to ensure that I will use my open heart to make good decisions and think for myself. You must use your intuition and awareness to help you get clear answers. If you have a hard time getting answers about anything, give it some time and try again later.

If this resonates with you, I would recommend that you make yourself a pendulum and start conversing with your Guide/s right now. Ask him/her/them questions about anything you want. Ask them if they want to communicate with you through the pendulum. Ask her/him if she/he wants to communicate with you through a Tarot deck or some other means. Thank her/him for creating your life, and then ask her/him if she/he sees everything you see. Ask her/him if she/he is a she or a he. Ask her/him if she/he loves you. Ask how many Guide friends or mates you have. What are their names, and what do they do for you? You have so much to talk about!

Communicating With Tarot Cards

I liked using the Tarot cards because the cards enabled me to access a broad range of information, much of which I would not have thought of myself. I have always used a deck called The Motherpeace Tarot. I like this deck because the book that comes with it gives you four directions for each card, which gives you four different readings for each card, and most decks give only two. Each Tarot deck is different and has its own feeling. There are some really beautiful decks available! Some decks are of the light, and some are of a dark nature. If you decide to purchase a deck for yourself, try to make sure it feels right for you before you buy it.

A Tarot deck usually comes with a book that explains how to use it and what each card means in each position. Some books give great detail, and some are more simple in their descriptions. It is important that you choose the kind that suits your needs. Read the descriptions of the many different ways you can use the Tarot and take comfort in knowing that you will be getting information directly from your Guide/s. Remember to keep your heart open at all times, and to have fun. Using the Tarot can be an incredible experience!

There are other tools you can use to communicate with your Guide/s. You can use Ruins, astrology, numerology, the Enneagram, channeled writing, prayer, meditation, and more. Any of the tools just mentioned can be very helpful for learning to distinguish your Guide’s voice from your own thoughts. Eventually, you will not need any of the tools to communicate with your Guide/s. They will communicate with you through your mind as easily as talking to your best friend. What an incredible event that will be for you! What a blessing!

For the last twenty-seven years, my Guides have used a language of the body called Sensate to communicate with me. Your Guide/s can relay information to you by creating sensations in different areas of your body. Where the sensations are felt and how they feel express very tangible bits of information. It is a very intimate way to communicate. Very helpful realizations can come from the sensations and manifestations of where sensations or disease shows up, which correlate to Sensate. Using Sensate is very helpful when you are actively using the Love Healing Process. Understanding Sensate can help people heal from many different kinds of disease. The language of Sensate is the topic of the chapter after this one and you get more information at

A Conversation I Had With My Guides

“I can’t believe you are so close to me and I cannot feel you!”

“My love, everything you are feeling is what I am feeling! If I am not feeling it, you are not feeling it!”

“Yes, thank you! That is amazing!”

“Sometimes I cannot tell which one of you is communicating with me.”

“If you will put more awareness into feeling us when we’re communicating with you, you will become more aware of our different personalities coming through.”

“O.K. thank you!”

“When I am feeling pain, are you feeling the pain as well?

“I have to be feeling the pain in order for you to feel the pain. It does not affect me as it does you. I am so big that when I am creating you, it takes only a tiny bit of my consciousness to create you. So when I am feeling “what is a lot of pain” for you, it is a very tiny bit of pain for me. Still, it hurts me and we are doing this for a very good reason: We are learning to heal ALL of our pain!”

“That is very exciting! Thank you!”

“So you are seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting for me?”

“Yes, and creating every part of your body, breathing you, beating your heart, moving you, sleeping you and Loving you.”

“Why are you doing all of this for me?”

“So you can discover why we are doing this for you. The journey is everything and worth more than you could ever know. Even after you discover the why, the gifts you will gain from the journey will continuously grow and multiply forever and ever and ever…”
