How to Get What You Want: The Metaphysics of Prayer


Praying with Loving intention is putting thoughts and dreams into motion, the thoughts and dreams of how you want the world around you to play out and perform. If it is done in Love, it is one of the most powerful acts a person can do for themselves, for others, and for the planet. We are about to show you how you can pray more powerfully and effectively. This will make your life more Loving, exciting, amazing and extraordinary, which will enable you to attract and manifest what you want for your life!

You have many wonderful things being given to you in every moment. Your heart is being pumped, your lungs are being breathed, and your blood is being circulated, bringing nutrients to every part of your body while taking all the waste to the waste factory. Your muscles, nerves, bones, hair, nails and skin are constantly being grown, and your body moves almost effortlessly for you at any given moment. You have thoughts that are continually being fed to your mind about whatever you choose to focus on, and you use your willpower to decide which thoughts to follow and/or act upon. It is your willpower that Goddess God gives you for you to direct your own power, which you are also being constantly given to use however you see fit. You are freely given all the things that give you life, and your willpower is what you are using to make decisions by you and for you.

Your willpower is what makes you into a completely unique individual because it enables you to freely use the energy being given to you to live your life — in whatever, whenever, and however a fashion you choose. Therefore, if you learn to grow your will power stronger with Love, it has everything to do with you gaining the power to direct more of your life. Since you’ll be doing it with Love, you will be in harmony with the energies of the Earth and Sky, and you will be able to experience more of life, moment by moment, and attract what you desire to you.

If you can grow your will power stronger with Love, it will enable you to experience more of life than you have ever known. You see, since woman/man has been here, she/he has been developing her/his will power with her/his mind. Then she/he has been trying to heal and change old habits with the same mind that is programmed with trauma, unloving beliefs, and Love Reversals. It’s like trying to heal a mind that is confused with a confused mind. It hasn’t been working very well.

Now we have the knowledge of how to grow in Love more every day by using different kinds of Love tools. You can learn how to use the Loving Smile and Love Time here. You can learn how to Lovingly Meditate, which is to learn how to stop your thinking while being in a strong loving space. And then you can learn to use your meditative state to create a new kind of strength called Gliding, which means: To be able to keep your mind completely silent, (no thinking), for two to three minutes at a time, with your heart and eyes wide open, and you will be smiling the whole time. The willful act of purposely spending more and more time in Love and strengthening your heart to feel more and more Love develops your will power through your heart instead of your mind. It is a completely different way to strengthen your will power and at the same time make your spiritual heart metaphysically bigger, and this new strength will change your life substantially.

Why is it so important to learn to focus on Love? Because experiencing Love and all the qualities of Love like compassion, ecstasy, joy, peace, wonder, laughter, silliness, fun, empathy, kindness, respect, trust, companionship, vulnerability, honesty, affection, appreciation, and all the things we love to do through love like hugging, sex, serving, playing, dancing, art, (I could go on and on), are the best reasons to be alive. All of the emotions we feel that are not loving are all forms of pain: fear, hate, jealousy, anger, rage, boredom, shame, guilt, etc., and the things we do through these emotions like judging, arguing, fighting, feeling sorry for ourselves, worrying, being depressed, (I could go on and on) and it does not feel good to feel pain… ever. So, doesn’t it make since that the more we learn to focus on Love, the better our lives will be?

When you couple the experience of developing a strong will with Love through your heart with Gliding, you will be able to grow into developing a whole new state of being. We will call it Doj. If the word think means “to think,” the word Doj means “to live Lovingly aware, moment by moment,” not thinking while manifesting your desires into existence through that awareness. You see, when you spend hours and hours focusing on Love in all areas of your life, (which you can learn to do gradually), one of the byproducts of willfully focusing on feeling Love is awareness. As your ability to be more aware grows, you gain the ability to hold whole concepts and the feelings that go with them within your mind without having to build the concepts piece by piece through thought.

People that are really good at a certain sport call this state of being “being in the zone.” They become so at one with what they are doing in the moment that they do not have to think about what they are doing. They just move into doing what they Love without thinking, using pure awareness of knowing what they are doing because they have done it so often. It just comes natural for them. When a person develops a strong will through Love with the power to Glide, they can willfully put themselves into Doj and manifest their desires by focusing on whole concepts at a time with the feelings that go with them without thought. This could be likened to being in the zone on steroids.

Imagine that Goddess God is creating all space in every direction that we can perceive. She He can feel every part of everything in every moment because it is Her His body and She He is creating it. The willpower to be that aware is tremendous. So, for us to learn to do what we do in our daily lives without thinking by producing the Loving awareness state of Doj is an incredible achievement that we can obtain through perseverance and growing in Love. It makes us more Goddessy Godly. This new and very powerful state of being, Doj, is making it possible to access the/a fourth dimension which might also be considered heaven, because it feels so good. This dimension has always been present; it is just that very few people have been able to feel it or play in it because their lives are filled with too much pain. The pain in our bodies is what keeps us from feeling all the Love that is around us all the time. But if a person learns to heal most of their unloving beliefs and Love Reversals, then they will naturally start being able to perceive and experience feeling and playing in the heaven that is all around them.

Personally, I like to refer to this new state as being the Animal. This fourth dimension, this state of heaven, brings out this feeling of being Goddess God Animal. It is vibrant, strong, wild and wondrous, powerful, aware, and sooooooooo alive. It makes me feel like I am taming this wild, voracious beast into this loving presence known as Goddess God in my very physical, emotional, mental, spiritual me. Calling it Animal begins to capture this wondrous state of being. Believe me when I tell you, you want to unleash the Animal within you, and you can do that by growing bigger in Love every day!

So, producing Doj, becoming Animal, being Lovingly aware without thinking, and holding concepts and the feelings that go with them in your mind as you are moving from moment to moment is praying a powerful prayer. There are two ways that Doj can be used. You can use Doj to reprogram old habits that are caused by the unloving beliefs and Love Reversals you have within you, in order to heal. And you can use Doj to create the life you dream up for yourself.

Here is an example of how to use Doj as a prayer to heal an old habit and to manifest a dream:

A New Job

You have hated working where you work for a long time, but you’re afraid to try to find a better job because of a fear of the predicament you would be in if you got another job and it turned out to be worse than the one you have.

This kind of fear of change is a perfect place to use Loving prayer or Doj. For five to ten minutes a day, envision yourself working at the perfect job for you, and while your doing so, make sure you envision everything that you would want to have in that job, everything like great working conditions; healthy, happy bosses and fellow employees; good pay; good hours, etc. Also, while you are doing your envisioning, make sure you are feeling the feeling of working at your new job by smiling big the whole time and filling your new vision with Love. The more complete you are with your envisioning and feeling how it will feel, the more Love you put into it, the easier it will be to find the new job you are looking for.

With the Doj prayer, hold the complete concept and feelings within your mind and heart and just fill it with Love for the entire five to ten minutes. Two or three days after you have started praying daily for your new job, start doing whatever it takes to find your new job. Within a day or two of praying this prayer, if you have any unloving beliefs that would stop you from achieving your prayer, they will come to the surface of your life so that you can see them clearly, and then you can start the process of healing them one at a time. So, do this prayer every day and heal all that comes before you until you find your new job.

Once again, the more Love you put into this whole process, the easier it will be to find your new job. The universe cannot help but provide for such an honest, sincere request. It is why we are here: to grow into the abundance that is all around us.

In my next blog, How to Lovingly Meditate, I will show you four tools you can use to learn how to Lovingly Meditate. Learning how to stop your thinking directly strengthens your will and if you do it with your heart wide open, then you are directly growing your will with Love. Once you learn how to stop thinking for two or three minutes at a time, then you will be able to learn how to Glide. You will love Gliding. Until then, you can use your Loving Smile and Love Time to grow in Love more and more every day. You can learn to make every part of your life fun and exciting and filled with purpose. Love will show you the way.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” –Gandhi

Let’s do this together!
